Defy Wood Deck Stains

How to Apply Defy Extreme

by Defy Help

Last Updated on January 10, 2025 by Defy Help

How to Apply Defy Extreme 2025

How to Apply Defy Extreme Stains? We love hearing from our customers who have used the Defy Extreme Stains or have questions. We appreciate your input, so feel free to leave a comment below and pictures of your completed projects if you have them.

Defy Extreme Wood Stain is a long-lasting synthetic resin, semi-transparent wood finish that helps shield against fungi, water, an

Defy Extreme Stain 1 Gallon

Defy Extreme Stain 1 Gallon

d UV damage. Its VOC compliant water-based formula contains “oxide” based Nano Particles. Over 30 trillion particles per square inch provide outstanding protection.

Defy Extreme Stain Uses

Defy Extreme Wood and Deck Stain is used for interior and exterior wood surfaces such as wood siding, log homes, decks, fences, gazebos, wood shakes, and outdoor furniture. Good on pressure treated and all other natural wood surfaces.

Defy Extreme Surface Preparation

Proper preparation is critical for achieving the best results with Defy Extreme Exterior Wood Stain. Follow these steps for a clean, stain-ready surface:

  1. For Pressure-Treated Lumber:
    • Allow the wood to dry for 3-6 months before staining.
  2. Remove Existing Stains or Paints:
    • Strip old stains with Defy Exterior Wood Stain Stripper.
  3. Clean Bare Wood Surfaces:
    • Use Defy Wood Cleaner to eliminate mill glaze, dirt, mildew, graying, and other contaminants.
    • Apply the cleaner or stripper using a pump-up sprayer.
  4. Clean and Rinse:
    • Scrub with a brush or use a pressure washer to clean the surface.
    • Rinse thoroughly to remove all residue.
  5. Brighten the Wood:
    • While the surface is still wet, apply Defy Wood Brightener using a pump sprayer. This step restores the wood’s natural color and opens the pores for better stain absorption.
    • Rinse well after applying the brightener.
  6. Dry and Test:
    • Allow the wood to dry for approximately 48 hours.
    • Perform an absorption test by sprinkling water on the surface. If the water absorbs immediately, the wood is ready for staining.

Defy Extreme Application Guidelines

Preparation Before Staining:

  • Stir or shake the stain thoroughly before and during use. Do not thin.
  • Ensure air and surface temperatures are between 45-95°F.
  • Avoid direct sunlight during application.
  • Protect surrounding areas like plants, siding, and windows using plastic or drop cloths.

Tools for Application:

  • Use high-quality polyester or nylon brushes, rollers, stain pads, pump sprayers, or airless sprayers.
  • Back-brush when spraying to ensure even coverage.

Staining Process:

  1. Start with Railings:
    • Begin staining railings or vertical surfaces, starting at the bottom and working upward.
  2. Stain Horizontal Surfaces:
    • Stain boards from end to end without stopping in the middle to avoid lap marks or color inconsistencies.
  3. Apply the Right Amount:
    • Do not over-apply; work out drips, runs, or puddles before drying.
    • On porous or pressure-treated wood, apply two coats, waiting 20 minutes between coats. The first coat should remain wet before the second is applied.

Coverage and Dry Time

  • Coverage: Two coats cover approximately 100-150 sq. ft. per gallon, depending on wood texture and porosity.
  • Dry Time:
    • Touch Dry: 2-4 hours.
    • Full Use: 24 hours.
    • Drying times may vary based on temperature and humidity.

Clean-Up and Maintenance

  • Clean-Up: Wash tools and equipment immediately after use with soap and water.
  • Maintenance:
    • Clean occasionally with mild detergent and water.
    • Recoat within 24 months or when graying begins to appear.
    • Brighten with Defy Wood Brightener before recoating to ensure optimal stain performance.

By following these guidelines, your wood surfaces will look stunning and remain protected for years to come.

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Defy Help Owner
Scott only carries deck stains, concrete sealing, and restoration products that perform best based on his experience using the products and his 30+ years of helping others. Scott has been approached about selling numerous restoration products through the years but selects only the products he has used and trusts to perform.
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8 months ago

So I’m using some of my leftover extreme semi transparent wood stain for a bench I’m going to use in house (not outside) by my bar. It should be ok to put polyurethane over it since it’s staying inside and not exposed to UV and elements, correct?

10 months ago

After using defy extreme stain do I use a clear coat to protect?

11 months ago

Do I apply a wood preservative over defy stain

Bill Zeisset
Bill Zeisset
1 year ago

I have a redwood gazebo that is 12 years old and has been stained one time right after it was installed. Can Defy Extreme be used on the gazebo to refinish it now after a light power wash and dry is done?

1 year ago

What if I put too much on and it is tacky?

1 year ago

I feel like there are mixed answers about how to prep for restaining a deck using the same color. I applied two coats last summer, but it needs to be stained again (no fault of the stain, it was how it was applied). Can I just use the cleaner or must I also use the brightener? Or do I have to use a stripper first?

1 year ago

I stained my deck last summer but the deck boards need to be stained again (no fault of the stain itself). I will be using the same color. What do I need to do to prep beforehand?

2 years ago

I’ve used the Defy cleaner and then the Brightener strictly according to instructions on a new one-year-old pressure treated deck not previously stained. I used a deck brush to scrub. The deck is now drying and I’m seeing a lot of raised wood fibres, which I didn’t expect. Does this mean I now have to sand the deck before staining it?

2 years ago

I used TWP 2 years ago. The deck is panoramic south facing. It.gets a lot of East Bay, CA full day exposure to sun, so I’m switching to DEFY.
Painters recommend I powerwash all old stain, dry 48 hours, spray apply DEFY
Roller in on the flat areas with two coats
Is this procedure OK?

Oldfield Marykay
Oldfield Marykay
2 years ago

I am refurbishing my Mothers pressure treated wood deck. It was almost black and had not been attended to in about 5 years. I followed all your directions on prep. I stripped, cleaned, brightened and sanded the entire 16’ x 30’ deck, railings, balusters and stairs. I used your coverage calculator to figure out how much stain I needed. I plugged in everything it asked. The result was 16 gallons. It sounded like a lot to me. I purchased 3 5 gallon pails. I have barely dented the first pail and all I have left is the decking boards. Everything else has had 2 coats with a wait time of 20-30 minutes between coats. It looks beautiful. I was very conscious of cleaning drips and not putting on too much. The water beads on what I have done. If the decking takes up stain like the rest, I am concerned I will have 10 gallons left over. Does this sound right. I don’t know how the calculator could be so far off. Thoughts?

2 years ago

I have a 2 year old PT deck that has never been sealed or stained. It has scratches from my dogs that I need to sand off before staining. Should I sand those spots before applying the cleaner and brightner?

2 years ago

I followed all steps and have the first coat down on my mahogany Deck. It looks good but a bit dry.
How long before I can brighten and recoat the deck ?

Chris Plante
Chris Plante
2 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

Very good, Thanks!

2 years ago

I will stain a just-sanded cedar deck with Defy extreme cedar tone. Should I use 1 or 2 coats?

2 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

Well, as it happens, I did the work 2 days ago. I tested a 2nd coat, wet-on-wet, and the boards seemed to absorb it well. I put on a 2nd coat with a car wash brush and used rags to wipe off any excess. The deck has dried well, so we’ll see.

2 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

Curious why you recommend one coat on cedar, which is a light, porous wood?

3 years ago

I have 6×6 douglas fir porch columns that I recently coated with BoraCare termite treatment. The columns had been untreated and unstained or sealed for almost 15 years. BoraCare recommends a sealant be used after the termite treatment. I pressure washed the columns prior to using the termite treatment. Can I use Defy semi-transparent pine stain after the BoraCare? If so, do I need to do any additional steps beforehand?

Jessica Vuocolo
Jessica Vuocolo
3 years ago

Our deck sits above our new porcelain paver patio, the Defy stain was sprayed on the deck boards but the overspray made it onto the pavers below which unfortunately were only partially covered. We have tried commercial strength good off and stain stripper that we found at Lowe’s. Neither products did anything to get rid of the stain. What do you recommend to get the product off.

3 years ago

Applying a second coat of stain after 20 minutes implies that you can walk on the newly stained wood? Otherwise how do you physically do it?

3 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help


Bob Kumagai
Bob Kumagai
3 years ago

I restrained a deck with Defy Extreme and the results were quite good. There are a few areas where we either applied too much stain and after 4 days in dry warm weather, the areas are a little sticky. Should we use mineral spirits to thin out the overstained areas?

Ty johnson
Ty johnson
3 years ago

What is minimum time after applying if rain is expected?

Greg Huffines
Greg Huffines
3 years ago

What should I use 1st on a deck that has previously been treated with a transparent Thompson’s water seal.

Greg Huffines
Greg Huffines
3 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help


Greg Huffines
Greg Huffines
3 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

One other question, how long do I leave the brightener on the wood before rinsing?

4 years ago

Can I stain my deck with Defy if it is supposed to rain in 10 hours? I could cover it with a tarp or heavy plastic. Our temperature is supposed to drop tomorrow evening.

Ryan Harvey
Ryan Harvey
4 years ago

I’m planning on using my airless to stain the underside of my wood patio cover which is smooth T&G with exposed rough sawn joists. Are there any tips I should be aware of? Is it as simple as two coats and back brush?

4 years ago

Sanding washing then brightening my deck. Is it necessary to remove all traces of old stain.
There are still old traces here and there of old stain because the deck has grooves and such. Will the deck cleaner take care of that.

Gayle Musgrave
Gayle Musgrave
4 years ago

Can I leave Brightener mixed to use again later

Ann Marie Madigan
Ann Marie Madigan
4 years ago

I want to use your product to stain/seal to prevent mold/mildew/algae from growing on the horizontal support beams (not posts) underneath my composite deck(live on a pond). Planning on using weathered gray- would love to do a color similar to dark chocolate or charcoal gray- if you have one.

I am in the process of power washing with a Simple Green product to clean beams- want to avoid harsh chemicals. Should I be concerned if not all the algae/mold/mildew is removed?

It appears the wood is “stained” in some areas. There is tinge of green that remains in some small places.

What Is your recommendation? Also do I need to do any other prep work before staining? If so, what & is there a time frame before staining?

This is NEW territory for me… any help is greatly appreciated.

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
4 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

Thank you… I will once done cleaning.

After, I posted inquiry, I noticed your deck cleaner is also safe for environment. Need more cleaner so thinking of order it. I also see you carry a composite deck cleaner. I read the description on this & says it also works on wood. What is the difference between the two? Would it be better to use the composite cleaner in case it gets on my composite boards when cleaning the support beams?

I already cleaned my composite deck. Would this be something I would use to clean it in the future if not applying a sealer to composite deck? If so, would it affect the beams I would plan to stain?

Thank you for your help!

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
4 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

WOW!! You guys are FAST!! THANK YOU!

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
4 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

So just received my wood cleaner. Wondering if I should use it on my Azeri composite deck first since it it safe to use before doing the beams underneath. Do I have to follow up with any other product to neutralize like I would with wood beams.

A couple more ?s
Is there a time frame between applying products to wood beams?
-between wood cleaner & wood brightened?
-between wood brightener & stain?

It is a big project for me & doing myself- want to make sure doing it correct. I have decided to use the Defy Extreme Solid Stain on the beams. Attached is a pic of power washed beams after using Simply Green. There are many spots where algae & black mold did not come off -doesn’t show in pic.

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
4 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

I did an area with the wood cleaner- read & followed directions. It appears to have a film on it now… will not spray off- using your defy brush to apply & power sprayer to rinse. PLEASE HELP!!

Also wondering if you can suggest how to get rid of these white spots. Thinking they were caused by sun for some reason- maybe reflection off of windows.

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
4 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

I do not have a pump sprayer… I attached the directions. They say pump sprayer, brush or mop.

What do I use to “wash” the residue? I thought this is a cleaner. I really went over it with the power washer when rinsing like the directions state.

Do the composite & wood cleaners have the same ingredients?

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
4 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

That is exactly what I did. How do I get the white film off?

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
4 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

Yes. Exactly what I have done. How do I get the white off?

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
4 years ago
Reply to  Ann Marie

Just in case you are going to ask, I did not let it dry either while waiting the 10-20 min. I waited 15 min. When noticing it “start” to dry, I kept it wet by applying the solution as per directions.

Mike Geduldig
Mike Geduldig
4 years ago

I applied defy stain last year to me deck and i think I need another this year.I plan on applying the brighter then stain, as the deck looks good, no great differences in color and no mold. Rain and scheduling is my current issue. How long can I wait after using the Brightner to apply the stain ( a week, more?) Also how long should I wait after a rain to apply the stain and how long should I plan for rain after applying the stain

Leonard Muller
Leonard Muller
4 years ago

I purchased your Exterior Wood Stain Stripper to remove the stain and underlying mildew from my cedar siding. The directions state to use Defy Wood Brightener immediately after or within one day of using the Stripper. I already (and apparently inappropriately) used your Wood Cleaner on one quarter of the house. Do I need to start over and use the stripper, brightener, cleaner and then stain the house? Four separate steps seems like a lot to do, but I want to do what’s right. And how necessary is it to apply the brightener IMMEDIATELY after the stripper? Thank you

4 years ago

I sanded my entire deck. Then used 4 to 1 ratio water to stripper to clean it and then used Defy brightener. Then did 2 coats wet on wet. Looked great initially. Now about 2 weeks later, looks like stain absorbed more in certain areas of the wood so looks like it wasn’t stained in those areas. Any suggestions?

4 years ago

I am stripping a fence. Home location is 4 blocks from beach. Power washed which removed almost all old stain and then sanded w 60 grit to remove any remaining stain. Do I need to use the cleaner or can i just brighten before applying stain. Also, what is your applicator recommendation to apply stain to fence? Brush, pump sprayer and back brush, stain pad and back brush? Thank you

4 years ago

Deck is 9 mo the old. First time staining. I cleaned and brightened the wood. Got a lot of furring so I sanded off with 220 grit paper. Should I clean and brighten again before applying stain? Wood seems to be nice and dry and soaks up water just fine.

4 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

Thank you. Since I did over sand the wood, would another weathering period be advisable?

Lydia Hu
Lydia Hu
4 years ago

Hi, I plan to stain this afternoon, but there’s a 20% chance in the AM tomorrow (8 am). But if Defy semi transparent dries in 2-4 hours, can I still stain today?

4 years ago

It says dry time 2-4 hours to touch and 24 hours to use. is the 2-4 hour time sufficient that it could handle a light rain without damage?

5 years ago

Is it more important to have 20 minutes between coats or to apply wet and wet between coats? I found that the stain dried quickly so I had to apply the second coat within a few minutes. Thank you

5 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

But if it dries in 10 minutes, do I wait 20 minutes and apply on dry or do I apply in 10 minutes for wet on wet application?

5 years ago

I just applied defy extreme to my deck and while the handrails look great, the deck wood didnt accept the stain despite using the cleaner and brightener beforehand as directed. The only difference was that I used a deck roller instead of the paint brush for the deck boards. What should I do? How long do I wait for another coat? Thank you

5 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

Okay thank you. And one more thing, between stain coats, is it more important to allow 20 minutes between stains or apply wet on wet? I found that it dried very quickly within minutes.

Bill M
Bill M
5 years ago

I applied the stain to my deck, and unfortunately it started raining about 20 min after I finished. Do you think that will hurt the finish?

5 years ago

Do I have to start over if it rains between the brightener and staining step?

5 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

How long should I wait if it rains to apply the stain?

5 years ago

Is there a good way to remove the extreme stain (butternut) from concrete deiveway? Thanks!

5 years ago

After stripping and brightening my pressure treated pine deck I noticed one of the pine knots is weeping a black sticky tarry substance. It’s been a week since the stripper/brightener was done. The deck is about 15 years old. Any idea what to do with it? I’m afraid to stain over it for fear of smearing it further.

David Schucker
David Schucker
5 years ago

We have a 12 yo deck that we originally used defy redwood on and it lasted great for 4-5 years. We had someone else apply ~ 3 years ago but they did not apply 2 coats and it has worn off in many places and very uneven. We intend to restain very soon need to know if we must strip all of existing product off? Use stripper and brightener? Please advise.

We also had a front porch stained in the driftwood gray but again it was not done with 2 coats and worn uneven. We want to restain that as well.

5 years ago

If I apply a wet on wet coat of the stain won’t it cause marks on the stain of the deck if I walk on it?

Bobby J
Bobby J
5 years ago

Hello, I just recently applied the Defy extreme redwood semi transparent stain to my redwood deck. I did the steps of stripping the oil based stain off and brightening and cleaning, and it was really nice to work with the product but it came out much more orange colored than I was expecting from my test sample. I am curious if I were to apply some cedar colored semi transparent stain over top if you think that that will knock the orange tone down some and make a pleasant color, or if that’s just a terrible idea? Maybe I just need to wait till next year and try again with the cedar color? Thanks!!

Bobby J
Bobby J
5 years ago
Reply to  Defy Help

Ok, thanks for the reply!

Donna Newport
Donna Newport
5 years ago

It is recommended that decks stained with DEFY EXTREME WOOD STAIN be occasionally cleaned with mild detergent and water as needed. Can you please elaborate further (e.g. which “mild detergents” are acceptable to use; should the detergent be agitated with brush to clean deck; can pressure washer on low setting be used to rinse, etc)? I apologize if the answers seem obvious, but I am new to deck care & maintenance.

6 years ago

I’m using this to redo wood deck chairs. I’ve sanded them down to the natural oak wood. Do I need to use a cleaner or wood conditioner before applying the stain? Also, since the chairs will be in south-facing direct hot sun at 8,000 feet in Colorado, should I put a coat of polyurethane over the stain to protect it further? Thank you.

Mary Boyle
Mary Boyle
6 years ago

I stripped Behr solid stain from my 7 year old redwood deck with your stripper. A lot of paint remains so I’ve had to sand. Do I need to reapply the brightener before applying the stain? Should I use two coats of stain wet on wet on redwood? If it rains before I get the stain on do I need to take additional steps? Thanks.

Peter Weber
Peter Weber
6 years ago

I applied Defy clear stain a year ago to new deck after aging 3 months, cleaning and brightening. Just cleaned and brightened again, and will stain again. After the year there was greying (full sun), most of which is netter after cleaning. Will the greying get less over time as I restain with clear each year? (Also, I didn’t strip before this year’s coat – that okay?)

6 years ago

I used Defy stain on the cedar siding of my house. Some stain got under the tarps and on some of my windows. Any suggestions for a product to remove the stain from glass? Window cleaner is not working.

6 years ago

I am about to clean, brighten and stain my 12’x75’ deck. During this time we are having a new dock installed. That wood is treated lumber designed for docks. I would like to stain it to match my deck, after it has weathered. Can you use Defy stain on dock wood? Thanks!

Mark Keefe
Mark Keefe
6 years ago

Going to use Defy Extreme to stain a new redwood deck. What is the recommended waiting time to let the wood age before staining? Will use your brand cleaner and then brightener before staining. Then one coat or two for the first staining? Thanks!

6 years ago

I have a composite deck that is 5 years old. We have pressure washed it every year and is now looking faded and worn. Can I use Defy Extreme on my composite deck?

6 years ago

I didn’t know how to edit my previous question, but I wanted you to know that I power washed the deck and then applied your brightner.

6 years ago

I am going to stain a 7 month old deck tomorrow, I have EMT conduit in the railing, should I mask this all? Will it get discolored?

Also, what size tip should I use with an airless sprayer?

Thank you.

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