Defy Wood Deck Stains

Defy Wood Deck Cleaner Review

by opwdecks
Defy Wood Cleaner Review

Last Updated on December 1, 2022 by chuckm

Defy Wood Cleaner ReviewWood surfaces need to be cleaned and prepped prior to staining. This crucial step can make or break the performance of a deck stain. Proper cleaning of the wood will ensure your deck stain looks and performs as expected. Defy Wood Deck Cleaner reviews show it has the best ratings compared to most chlorine bleach based wood cleaners. The oxygen bleach solution is extremely successful at eliminating dirt, grime, mold, mildew, algae and graying from exterior wood surfaces prior to staining.

The safe powdered formula of oxygen bleach concentrate that makes up Defy Wood Deck Cleaner is mixed with water to effectively clean and fully restore the natural colors and beauty of exterior wood. This oxygen bleach based cleaner is eco-friendly, safe and biodegradable unlike chlorine bleach based cleaners and will not damage wood fibers, grass, and landscaping or harm pets. The foaming action of Defy Wood Cleaner penetrates the wood pores seeking out deep down dirt and grime lifting it to the surface for a thorough cleaning like never before.

Removing all the dirt and grime from the wood surface by using Defy Wood Deck Cleaner will help with stain penetration. This is crucial to the performance of the stain and will give the wood the lasting protection it needs from weather damage. In most cases, Defy Wood Deck Cleaner is used for removing graying, dirt, algae and grime but will not remove old stains unless they are extremely deteriorated. Defy Wood Deck Cleaner should be used with Defy Brightener for even better results.

The overall Defy Wood Deck Cleaner Review proved it is an effective and inexpensive method of cleaning and prepping most exterior wood surfaces prior to staining. It provides a clean surface and opens wood pores to create ideal conditions for applying a weatherproof stain like Defy that will give lasting protection. 

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Larry Graham
Larry Graham
3 years ago

How often should we reapply the stain?

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3 years ago
Reply to  Larry Graham

Every 2-3 years.

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